How to Add Schema Markup to WordPress (2024) Manually Video

I show you how to add Schema Markup to your WordPress website in 2024. I am showing you how to do it manually without a plugin or tool. Also below I included links to the different tools that I used to help me generate the schema markup. Here is the Schema Markup Generator that I typically use, and here is the Code to add to Themefile header.php.

For those who don’t know schema markup also known as structured data is a piece of code that you can add to your web pages to help search engines better understand the intent or the overall focus of your content. Doing this can improve your chance of getting an enhancement also known as a featured snippet or rich result.

While there is no direct correlation between adding schema markup to your website. Adding it can help improve your chances of ranking higher and getting more clicks.

Raj Clark is a 9 year SEO professional & career mentor. He is also the author of the books ABC's of SEO: Search Engine Optimization 101 and The Technical SEO Handbook He has worked with a wide range of clients in many industries including B2B, SaaS, Fintech, Home improvement, Medical, and E-Commerce. He started the company, Bounce Rank, as a way to help business owners grow their website traffic and to help people who want to get a job in the SEO career field.

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